Monday, May 11, 2009

{Custom Sweet Tooth Box}


Lesley said...

Hello! My neighbor refered me to your site and I am really interested in ordering something for a wedding but I didn't see anyway of contacting you! If you have a chance could you please email me? My email is

Rachelle said...

Hi! I am also a member of Barter Boutique, and I have a favor to ask...
I am helping with the Relay for Life, and I have been asked to find donations of vinyl lettering that say "hope" for some picture frames to give to the cancer survivors involved. I am not sure on the size- probably pretty small since they will go on picture frames, but I was wondering if that is something you may be able to do? Anything will help! Just let me know:) Thanks so much!

Zildy said...

I didn't see how to contact you either, so here can contact me through my website below, thanks!

I am in need of some vinyl for the back window of my car to promote my business.
I was wondering if you are willing to work out a trade for this.
I would be trading a Face Painting Birthday Party package for any upcoming party that you might have.
The catch, of course, is that you would have to be at a reasonable distance to me, for me to perform
this service. I am located in the Salt Lake City, Utah area. I could also trade for a gift certificate
that you could give to someone if you like, that might be within driving distance. My rate is $65 for one hour,
which usually takes care of full faces for up to 15 kids,
plus a temporary glimmer tattoo for the birthday girl/boy. Please let me know if this might work for you.

-Zildy Manuel
Owner, My Kids' Entertainment